Students in Lab



Chemistry attempts to give solutions to many of the world's problems. It’s the search for answers that makes this subject so fascinating. From investigating how to make sustainable processes, to researching a new wonder drug to save millions of lives, the opportunities that chemistry provides are endless.

Entry Requirements

Students will need GCSE Maths at least grade 6 or above.

Taking Double Award Science? You will need at least a grade 6/6.

Taking Triple Award Science? You will need at least a grade 6 in Chemistry.


Learning & Assessment

Modules / Topics

Chemistry is split up into three major sections:

  • Physical Chemistry which involves quantifying properties including amount of substance calculations, rates of reaction, behaviours of gases, equilibrium, thermodynamics and more.
  • Organic Chemistry is the chemistry of living things and discusses reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, esters, carbonyl chemistry, aromatic compounds, DNA and biological molecules. As well as how to analyse the compounds we learn to synthesise.
  • Inorganic Chemistry is the study of all non-carbon elements. Whilst studying it you will learn about why chemicals are coloured, how different groups behave and more.

Trips / Visits / Enrichment

We will take you to Northumbria University and give you experience of using a University standard lab. We will work with Newcastle University to give you experience of using high-end analysis technology. We also run an enrichment designed to help put the science we teach in a wider real-world context.


There are three exams at the end of second year.

  • Paper 1 covers Physical and Inorganic chemistry: 2 hours, 35% of A Level
  • Paper 2 covers Physical and Organic chemistry: 2 hours, 35% of A Level
  • Paper 3 covers all topics: 2 hours, 30% of A Level

At least 15% of the marks are based on what you learn during practical work and at least 20% of the marks at A level Chemistry will be Maths skills based


What do our students say?

Chemistry is often challenging, but there is a great feeling of satisfaction once you understand it. Chemists are necessary to the world, to overcome many dilemmas – from finding new, useful drugs in pharmacy, to finding ways t...
Dillon Cosway , Chemistry
Read Dillon Cosway's Story  

Studying a chemistry related degree at university gives you all sorts of exciting career options including; analytical chemist, chemical engineer, clinical biochemist, pharmacologist, doctor, research scientist, toxicologist, environmental consultant.

Think Chemistry is right for you?

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