Students Smiling

Financial Support at Newcastle Sixth Form College


Newcastle Sixth Form College (NSFC) offers a range of financial support to assist students with the costs associated with studying their A Levels*.

* eligibility criteria applies


The Newcastle Sixth Form College Bursary provides eligible students with up to £2,500 per year to support travel and study programme related costs, dependent on household income and miles travelled from home to college. 

To qualify for the college bursary, students must:

  • Be living with a household income of £37,300 or below.
  • The student must have a bank account in their own name which can accept BACS payments. Payments cannot be made to family or friends accounts.
  • College bursary support is subject to students achieving an attendance figure of 95% and above for all aspects of their study programme, including all personal development and enrichment lessons.

The Newcastle Sixth Form College Bursary is available from September 2024 for eligible students on a first come, first served basis.

Students living in a household with an income of up to £25,000 will be supported with travel if they live 1 miles or more away from college.

Students living in a household with an income between £25,001 and £37,300 will be supported with travel if they live 2 miles or more away from college.

A bursary of up to £1,200 is available to young people in one of the following defined groups, which includes:

  • Young people in care.
  • Care leavers.
  • Young people claiming a means tested benefit in their own name. (e.g Universal Credit)
  • Young people who receive either Employment Support Allowance or Universal Credit along with either Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own name.

Government funded 16-19 bursary payments are subject to students achieving an attendance figure of 95% and above for all aspects of their study programme at college.

Free College Meals is a government funded initiative to the value of £2.53 per day. All full-time students aged 16-18, who meet the eligibility criteria will be entitled to have a free meal allowance. NSFC will enhance the government’s contribution by an extra £1.97 giving the students a daily allowance of £4.50.

In order to be eligible for government funded FCM (Free College Meals), students must be in receipt of, or have parent(s)/guardian(s) who are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • Universal credit with annual income of 7,400 or less
  • Child Tax Credit with an annual income of £16,190 or less as stated on CTC award.
  • Supported under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
  • Income Support.
  • DLA / PIP
  • Employment Support.
  • Jobseekers Allowance.

Students not eligible for Government funded meal support will be entitled to a free meal, allowance fully supported by NSFC bursary fund of £4.50 each day they are timetabled in college.

Free college meal allowances will be accessed through the college's cashless system.

When you apply for any type of financial support at Newcastle Sixth Form College, our Admissions Team can identify which support fund you are eligible to receive, and provide advice and support as required.

You will need to upload to your online assessment; documentary evidence of any earned income and/or benefits, investment income etc. that the household you live in receives.

Documentary evidence includes:

Student/household situation


Asylum Seeker (Accompanied) (A) 



Asylum Seeker (Unaccompanied) (B) 


(A) Provide Home Office Bail Letter confirming status, evidence of current address, IND card for student and parent(s)/guardian(s) Aspen Card.


(B) Provide written confirmation of status from the Local Authority.  This must be on LA letterhead paper within last 12 months. 

Student currently lives in care or is a care leaver? 

Provide written confirmation of current or previous looked after status from the Local Authority.  This must be on Local Authority letterhead dated within 1 year, or from a Local Authority email address.


Student is in receipt of Universal Credit (UC) and financially supports themselves/ and or dependants. 

Provide a most recent UC statement, and a tenancy agreement/utility bill. Or a most recent UC statement which shows the name(s) of your dependants.

Student is in receipt of Universal Credit or Employment Support Allowance AND PIP or DLA? 

Provide a most recent UC statement, or ESA letter dated within 1 year, AND PIP or DLA award letter dated within 1 year. 

Parent/Guardian in receipt of Tax Credits  

Provide Tax Credit Award Notice dated 2024/25 (All Pages)

We can accept the renewal notice providing payments continue past August 2024. 


Parent/Guardian in receipt of Universal Credit 

Provide 3 most recent UC statements. These must show • Name • Address • Payment for the Month • Total Entitlement • Total Deductions • Take Home Pay even if £0


Parent/Guardian in receipt of Income Support 

Provide award letter dated within 1 year. 

Parent/Guardian in receipt of DLA / PIP  

Provide award letter dated within 1 year. 

Parent/Guardian in receipt of Employment Support Allowance 

Provide award letter dated within 1 year. 

Parent/Guardian in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance 

Provide award letter dated within 1 year. 

Parent/Guardian in receipt of Guaranteed Element of Pension Credits  

Provide award letter dated within 1 year. 

Parent/Guardian is Self Employed  

Provide a statement of accounts for the 2023/24 tax year from your accountant.  This must be on letterhead paper, including a wet signature and stating your earnings before tax. Self-assessment is not accepted. 

Parent/Guardian is in Higher Education and in receipt of a Maintenance Loan 

Provide evidence of your award from Student Finance. 

Household salaried income is less than £37,300 

Provide 3 most recent payslips for all parent(s)/guardian(s) with earned income. Where one parent/guardian is not working, provide latest 3 months of their bank statements, are benefit evidence as listed above.

Household Income not stated above. 

Provide income evidence that is not listed above. 

Bursary applications can be collected from the main NSFC office.

Bursary funds eligibility will be assessed using your completed Bursary application along with the household evidence you supply.

Any missing evidence will result in a delay to your application being processed. 

Any rail travel payments will be made directly into the student’s bank account, fortnightly. Payments are dependent on meeting 95% attendance. 

Please be prepared for this to take up to four weeks into your study programme.

You must notify us of any change in your circumstances such as:

  • Switching to another college.
  • Changes in your family’s financial circumstances.
  • Leaving college before your course is completed.
  • Changing your address.
  • Changing your bank account. 

Payments will be made directly into the student’s bank account, fortnightly. Payments are dependent on meeting 95% attendance.

We will advise students how to access their Free College Meals allowance.

Please contact NSFC Admissions Team if you require any further information, advice or guidance.


Coming to Newcastle Sixth Form has given me the perfect balance between independence and in-class learning, so that I can find the best environment for me to succeed.
Denise Chapim, Sociology
Read Denise Chapim's Story  

Ready to apply to study with us in September?

Fill out our online application form 



Want to find out more?

Visit us at one of our monthly Open Evenings to chat to staff, meet some of our current students, tour our building and find out more about life at NSFC.



Contact us

If you have any other queries, please contact us at or call us on 0191 226 6232.