Students posing






Biology is the study of living things. In this qualification you will learn key concepts of life processes, the behaviour of living organisms, cell and plant processes, and how organisms evolve. You will also learn key concepts of interactions with the environment, as well as scientific analysis and practical skills.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject




Philosophy, Ethics and Religion has a multidisciplinary nature, involving textual study, philosophical thinking, ethics, social understanding and the skills of analysis and reasoning. It provides an excellent opportunity for you to engage with contemporary contentious issues, developing social, cultural, political, philosophical and historical awareness. You will learn to understand your own identity and to understand human rights and responsibilities.

This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject





This qualification covers the key concepts of Chemistry, looking at what things are made from, and the relationship between matter, atoms and elements and how they behave. You will also learn key concepts of chemical reactions, as well as scientific analysis and practical skills.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject

Citizenship Studies


Citizenship Studies

Citizenship Studies is about how people take an active part in democratic politics and work together for a better society. You will learn about how the government and legal system work, and the role of the UK globally. You will explore different controversial issues and experience taking citizenship action yourself.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject


English Language


You must study English if you have not already achieved GCSE grade 4 or above.

English Language offers the opportunity to develop your knowledge, understanding and appreciation of language in use and to consider some critical language debates. Together, the creative writing and language investigation components give you the opportunity to develop your particular language specialisms.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject

Film Studies




Film is a major art form of the last hundred years. You will explore important films in the development of film and film technology. You will develop your knowledge of US mainstream Hollywood film, as well as independent and international film. You will also apply your knowledge to your own production.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject





GCSE Geography offers a foundation in both human and physical geography, looking at topics such as weather hazards, climate change, global development and changing cities. It also builds on geographical, mathematical and research skills through investigations based on fieldwork and into UK challenges.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject



Graphic Communication


GSCE Graphic Communication is about communicating ideas and information through graphic imagery involving visual and textual content. 


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject





You must study Maths if you have not already achieved GCSE grade 4 or above. This qualification gives students a basis in mathematical skills and concepts integral to future learning, work and life. Students will learn and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems, and develop mathematical reasoning skills.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject





Sociology is the study of trends across society, how it is structured and how it functions. This qualification explores key topics of sociological debate, key theorists and different perspectives as well as how to conduct and analyse research.


This subject is offered provisionally until enrolment, and based on timetabling of subjects and student numbers available to study the subject