Just one of the huge advantages of attending Newcastle Sixth Form College is the Personal Development Coaching Team, who are dedicated to making sure you get the most from your A Level journey.
From your first moments at NSFC, where you make the very significant adjustments to new subjects, new friendship groups and a large new campus, to the moment you leave on results day 2024, and set off to university or into your first career role, PDCs will be with you.
When you join Newcastle Sixth Form College, you will be automatically assigned your own Personal Development Coach (PDC). They will work with you throughout your academic journey and offer a regular point of contact outside of the subject teaching teams to support your overall development and experience at sixth form.
Weekly group sessions offer a more formal approach to development, with your assigned coach leading a group on a wide range of activities including:
Personal growth
Academic skills
Next steps (UCAS application, jobs and careers)
Vision and goals
Employability skills (CV, job interviews)
Staying safe
Online Safety
British Values
In these sessions you will be encourage to participate and discuss your own issues and develop strong opportunities which will help you whilst at college and well beyond this experience.
An important aspect of our PDCs role is to help you focus on punctuality, attendance and workload, so that you also manage your time as effectively as possible and gain the most from your academic studies at sixth form.
Your 1:1 is a vital part of your experience at NSFC, as it provides a chance for you to discuss with your PDC your own progression plan. The chance like this to explain any issues you have, or raise concerns in a completely confidential discussion has been invaluable to many students, and allows the PDC to give you feedback, points for reflection and also assist you when necessary so that your whole experience at NSFC is positive. The team also use these meetings to discuss, attendance, timekeeping and the good conduct we expect from every student. The opportunity for student and coach to have this sort of interaction ensures a smooth transition into college and a great chance to monitor your own performance so that you achieve your very best.
Newcastle Sixth Form College practices a robust attendance monitoring procedure. This includes using eTrackr to track attendance, using the eTrackr SMS service to contact students and maintaining contact with parents/carers.
If a student is ill and unable to come to college, the absence should be reported before 9.00am on the day of their absence to ensure that the absence is correctly recorded on registers.
The number to call to report an absence is 0191 272 1001 option 2.
Newcastle Sixth Form College uses eTrackr, a web based student electronic individual learning plan system, to record a variety of information about students and their learning journey's at Newcastle Sixth Form College.
As a parent/guardian of a young person at Newcastle Sixth Form College, you also have access to eTrackr, which allows you to:
How does eTrackr work?
We have put together a user guide for parents/carers who would like to use eTrackr.