Our state-of-the-art building includes:
Our dedicated Sixth Form Library provides an excellent quiet study space for students as well as relevant resources for all their subjects and information on progression.
Our purpose built Debating Chamber is great for mock trials and debates.
Our lecture theatre offers a professional setting for assemblies, talks and presentations.
We have a dedicated performance studio for our Drama students – complete with changing rooms, lights and a tech booth for budding producers.
Our state of the art labs are fully equipped for STEM students, with labs dedicated to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology.
Our purpose built Art & Design studio features a full Photography darkroom
We have a number of student study areas throughout the building such as our ‘Gateway’ and the Second Floor Study Zone, and the building hosts over 300 student computers in dedicated study areas.
As well as the refectory, serving hot and cold food, we have our very own Costa Coffee outlet which offers drinks and sandwiches. Students can open an account which they can top up to pay at either vendor.