
Mental Health Hub


Mental Health HUB

What is mental health?

We all have mental health, and we need to take care of it just like our physical health. It is widely known that one in four of us will experience some sort of mental health difficulty in any given year. Sometimes mental ill health can be chronic or severe, and we need medical support to manage the symptoms. There is also a lot we can do as individuals to look after our own positive mental health and to manage a period of mental ill health


Positive Mental Health

A Levels and GCSE’s take hard work and if we don’t look after our mental health then this can impact on our mental state and also our ability to manage college on a day-to-day basis.  There are basic things we can all do to ensure positive mental health.  The main focus should be on eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep and talking to friends and family. That doesn’t mean we can’t let loose and enjoy ourselves, we just have to make a conscious effort to keep positive behaviours as part of our normal routine.


Eating well

Eating a varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables ensures we are giving our minds the best nutrition to relax and stay calm and focussed.

There is some great information about why eating well improves your mental health here:



This doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym however some people find that incorporating a regular gym session into their routine can really help them stay mentally healthy. There are many ways to keep active and worth tying lots of different activities to see what you enjoy the most and you know you could do regularly.

Here is some information on why exercise helps with your mental health and some ideas to get you moving:



Sleep and rest are so important to help our mental health.  With rest we can reduce anxiety and sleeping lets the body repair and recover. Over sleeping or disturbed sleep can also be an indicator that we are not OK mentally. Training our bodies to sleep during the night for a good length of time can promote positive mental health.


Social connections

For some people it is easy to not talk or interact with others, but this can lead to feeling isolated and not part of something which can affect your mental health. It’s important to try and talk to others about how you feel or just be with other people. If you struggle to make friends or don’t feel comfortable speaking to family members then joining a group or finding a hobby or interest that you can talk to others about, can be beneficial.  Speak to your coach if you’d like help connecting with others at college.


Hobbies and interests

College can take a lot of your time but it’s important to have a hobby or interest that is completely different from what you are doing at college to help you switch off and take a break from your work. There are countless hobbies and interests and it’s also a great way of meeting others or having something to talk to others about!

Popular hobbies are baking, creating art, going to art galleries, learning a new DIY skill, sports. The list is endless.  Why not find out what hobbies or interests others around you have for some inspiration.


Give to Others

There has been a lot of research to show that those who demonstrate kindness to others are more likely to have positive mental health.

This could be on a small scale such as saying thank you to someone who has done something for you or holding a door open for someone.  Or it could be on a larger scale, such as volunteering within your community, for example, helping out in your college, local care home or shops.

Assisting others provides you with a sense of reward, gives you a feeling of purpose, helps you to connect with others, and ultimately creates positive feelings.


Links to more information about keeping mentally well:


Keeping mentally healthy


Self-care ideas


Exam stress support


How to access support for your mental health within college…

You can refer yourself to the counsellor at college by clicking on this link –

Once the counsellor has received your referral form, they will be in contact with you to discuss the support you need.

The counsellor can also help you to make referrals outside of college.

  1. Mental Health Helpline for Urgent Help - NHS (
  • 24-hour advice and support
  • help to a mental health professional
  • assessment to decide on the best care


  1. Mental Health Innovations (charity mental health support service)
  • Just text “SHOUT” to 85258 for free, then you will be connected to a volunteer for a confidential conversation by text message


  1. Togetherall is a free, safe and anonymous online mental health service for those who live in Newcastle and Gateshead -


  1. Free online support and counselling are available at (age 18+) or (18 and under)


  1. Just click on ‘Mental Health Contacts for Students’ below to find contact information for different organisations based on various mental health issues, so you can easily find the most appropriate support for you


  1. You can access various mental health services through your GP. If you feel you can’t explain how you are feeling to your GP then ask your PDC or a member of the safeguarding team to help you write something to take along with you.


  1. There are several NHS mental health services covering all regions, but you must be registered with a GP in your area first before you can access this support:


Sunderland Psychological and Wellbeing Service (SPWS)

Tel - 0191 566 5454

Web address:


Talking Helps Newcastle

Tel – 0191 282 6600

Email –

Web address:


Gateshead Talking Therapies

Tel – 0191 283 2541

Email –

Web address -


Talking Changes (Darlington and Durham)

Tel – 0191 333 3300

Web address:


Talking Matters Northumberland

Tel – 0300 30 30 700

Email –

Web address:


South Tyneside Lifecycle Primary Care Mental Health Service

Tel – 0191 404 1322

Email –

Web address:


North Tyneside Talking Therapies

Tel – 0191 295 2775

Web address:



Tel – 0191 116 123

Web address:



If you are in an emergency situation, please call 999 or go to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department.


For 24 hour mental health support please contact the following agencies:  -  116 123 (free 24 hr)  - confidential listening  - 0800 1111 (free 24hr) - confidential listening