Fixers Workshop

Body Image Workshops with Fixers!

23 February

Groups of our students have had the opportunity to be involved in workshops with 'Fixers' on how Body Image issues are represented in society. 

Fixers is a charity organisation helping young people ‘fix’ issues they see in the world by raising awareness on different issues from the environment to mental health and everything in between.

They came in this half-term to work with volunteer students to address how body image issues represented and treated by the media, their home lives and in education.

Ideas collected from their workshop will go forward to a national conference aiming to change policy in the chosen areas.

The workshops involved prompts, watching videos, looking at news stories, and discussing the students reactions, thoughts and ideas about these materials. The students enjoyed the workshops and had very positive responses:


"I found the Fixers Body Image Issues workshop really interesting and had a chance to explore how education, the media and situations at home can impact how at young person perceives themselves"

“It was enjoyable and inspiring“



You can find out more about Fixers on their website