North of Tyne Mayor Student Visit
Our Politics and Law students were given a valuable opportunity to meet and speak with Jamie Driscoll, Mayor of the North of Tyne Combined Authority and a number of his executive team in a presentation and Q&A session hosted at the sixth form this week.
Alongside specialists in Education Improvement, Child Poverty Prevention and Skills Development, Jamie was questioned by our eager students for over an hour in a lively forum and gave us details about current plans and the work of the combined authority in tackling some of the region's largest challenges around skills and education.
Amy Weatherald, Law and Politics teacher at NSFC coordinated and organised this visit, which also allowed the Mayor and his team some time to see the whole college, and understand our approach to driving social mobility and increased aspiration within our students.
Many thanks to Jamie Driscoll and all the members of the executive team who joined us for the afternoon. He provided a detailed insight into the work of the mayor's office, how the combined authority is working across the region, and how devolution is bringing greater certainty and control of our region's future. This was an excellent opportunity for our students, and really supported them as part of their wider studies.